Between Father and Daughter: Exploring the Career and Influence of Judith Kaplan Eisenstein
with Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton
Webinars and More

Tribute Honoring Mel Scult’s 90th birthday
The Tribute Book was recently published and gifted to Mel.
Tribute Donations are still welcome!

Tu b’Shevat – Judaism and the Environment
with Rabbis Michael Cohen and Fred Scherlinder Dobb
February 9, 2025

Pirke Mordecai
with Yovel recipients Rabbis Lee Friedlander and Arnold Rachlis
Sunday, May 18, 2025
3pm Eastern Daylight Time
Kaplanian Scholarship
Looking to deepen your knowledge of Mordecai Kaplan’s life and philosophy?
- Meet a great companion guide in the form of Mel Scult’s annotated bibliography keep on home page
- Read scholarly articles about Kaplan
- Watch video reminiscences about Kaplan’s life
- Learn about Kaplan on One Foot: Mel Scult’s Eight Core Principles of Kaplan’s Philosophy
- Watch Mel Scult’s talk about Kaplan’s Understanding of Naturalistic Prayer
- Read Dr. Jeffrey Schein’s article on democracy, “Memory on Trial”

Kaplanian Voices
Our Kaplanian voices series seeks to sensitize us to the unique ways many of us experience the very notion of Peoplehood in 2023. Below are excerpts from conversation between Rabbis Jeffrey Eisenstat, founding director of our movement’s Camp Havaya, and former camp counselors about their initial exposures to the philosophies of Mordecai Kaplan a decade ago and its present meaning to them as young adult Jews in their thirties.
Visit the Ira Eisenstein portal where you will find….

- Introductions by Rabbi Richard Hirsh to Ira Eisenstein’s books Creative Judaism and What We Mean by Religion with digital copies of those currently out-of-print volumes now available on our website
- Explore the full set of resources related to teaching Mordecai Kaplan through Ira Eisenstein’s writings with these resources
- Reflections about Ira Eisenstein as theologian and wise leader by Rabbis Dennis Sasso and Jeffrey Schein
- A recording of Rabbi Eisenstein’s contributions that was hosted by the SAJ:Judaism that Stands For All as part of its centenary celebration
Throughout this website we offer many resources about Mordecai Kaplan’s influential writings and philosophy and how Kaplan’s legacy continues to be woven through contemporary thought and practice.