Mel Scult, professor, scholar, husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, was born May 28, 1934 in Paterson, New Jersey. It is quite amazing that Mordecai Kaplan’s Judaism as a Civilization appeared on that same day. Scult’s family were members of a Conservative synagogue, where as a teen, he participated in services and in synagogue activities,…
Mordecai Menahem Kaplan (June 11, 1881 – November 8, 1983) American rabbi and founder of Reconstructionism was born in Sventzian, Lithuania, the son of Rabbi Israel Kaplan and Chaya Nehama Kaplan. His father was a prominent Talmudic scholar who had received rabbinic ordination in Lithuania from the most outstanding rabbis of the day. The family…
The notion of living in two civilizations is rapidly being eclipsed in the 21st century by the notion of living in multiple civilizations, among them digital, global, multi-cultural, and multi-gender orientations. From Earl Schwartz Historical and Cultural PerspectivesKwame Anthony Appiah’s work on identity, The Ethics of Identity, (in which he references Kaplan) is a very…
The Amphibious Jew Project – Rabbi Jeffrey Schein The Amphibious Jew project builds on a friendly argument with the Talmudist Adin Steinsaltz. Steinsaltz observed that some Jews lead marine Jewish lives. They totally immerse themselves in a complete Jewish environment (Israel, camp, etc.) Other Jews are more selective and use values-based decision-making to shape their…
The Kaplan Center thanks the following donors who contributed to the Contemporary Talmud Project to honor Dr. Jeffrey Schein for his three years directing the Center. Mishnah (the Roots of the Dialogue) Elizabeth Caplun Deborah Schein Schein children and grandchildren: Jonah Schein, Rachel Zukrow, Robyn Schein, Ben Schein, Hana Schein, Greg Mercer and grandchildren Ilan,…
An Interview with Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker on the influence of Kaplan on a Reform Rabbi
Sponsored by the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood in cooperation with Camp Havaya and Reconstructing Judaism About the Prize Mel Scult is the premiere biographer of Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism. He is beyond doubt the world’s expert on the life and writings of Mordecai Kaplan. We invited teens, B Mitzvah age through 12th grade…
Kaplan was fond of the phrase a “Copernican Revolution” and used it in several different contexts. When one’s understanding of Judaism shifts from that of a religion to a culture or religious civilization, does one’s understanding of who is an educated Jew correspondingly shift? If so, how? From Dr. Jon A. Levisohn A Kaplanian…
Sheridan sings an innovative tune to wish Mel a Happy Birthday Eric’s invitation to December 8 celebration of Mel Jeffrey Sings Mel’s Praises Jane sings Mel’s praises