
  • Todah Rabbah (Our Thanks)

    The Kaplan Center thanks all 73 donors who contributed to the Contemporary Talmud Project to honor Dr. Jeffrey Schein for his three years directing the Center. Sophia Barrett Susan Beckerman Eric Caplan Elizabeth Caplun Margo Cates Michael Cohen Hillel Cohn Elliot and Marlynn Dorff Deena Epstein Harriet Feiner Dana Fox Lee Friedlander Michael Getty Bob…

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  • The Transdenominational Kaplan

    An Interview with Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker on the influence of Kaplan on a Reform Rabbi

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  • Mel Scult Teen Prize

    Sponsored by the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood in cooperation with Camp Havaya and Reconstructing Judaism Calling all teens! Submissions are open from July 1 – October 30, 2024. Prizes announced by November 24, 2024. All teens eligible from B Mitzvah age through 12th grade to apply for the prize.  Mel Scult is the premiere…

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  • Kaplan was fond of the phrase a Copernican Revolution and used it in several different contexts.   When one’s understanding of Judaism shifts from that of a religion to a culture or religious civilization, does one’s understanding of who is an educated Jew correspondingly shift? If so, how? From Dr. Jon A. Levisohn A Kaplanian…

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  • Year of Kaplan Study

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  • Happy Birthday, Mel!

    Sheridan sings an innovative tune to wish Mel a Happy Birthday Eric’s invitation to December 8 celebration of Mel Jeffrey Sings Mel’s Praises Jane sings Mel’s praises

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  • with Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Ph.D.Sunday, June 9, 2024 Please join us as we thank Rabbi Jeffrey Schein for his work as Executive Director of The Mordecai Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, introduce our new Executive Director, Rabbi Elisheva Sachs Salamo, and learn from Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Director of the Center for Jewish Ethics and Associate…

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  • Evolving Roles of Rabbis

    As we approach the 50th anniversary of graduates from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, we celebrate the class of 2024 and take a look at the changing shape of the contemporary Reconstructionist rabbinate.

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  • Contemporary Talmud Pages

    A Note from Dr. Jeffrey Schein: Talmud (study) consists of the Mishnah (original text or law) and Gemara, completion of the text. We emphasize the term Talmud (study) because it indicates that Mishnah and Gemara are part of a larger process of expansion of meaning that is fostered by sacred argument. Our readers are invited…

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  • Evolve Collaboration

    A Note from Dr. Jacob Staub and Dr. Jeffrey Schein: The Mordecai Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood website and Evolve have overlapping readerships. Jacob Staub and Jeffrey Schein, directors of Evolve and the Kaplan Center respectively, have begun a tradition of sharing articles that will guide Evolve readers to the Kaplan Center and Kaplan Center…

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