Upcoming Webinars
with author Amy Schiller and Rabbi Mordechai Liebling Tuesday, September 17, 2024 The High Holidays are a time associated with reflection, repentance, and renewal. The Unetanah Tokef prayer, recited on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning, suggests that one of the ways to improve our return to community in the reality of our mistakes is…
with Rabbi Elizabeth BoltonSunday, March 23, 2025 – 3pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) The story of Dr. Judith K. Eisenstein, Mordecai Kaplan eldest daughter, is undertold and deserving of attention. She was an educator and an ethonomusicologist, and her accomplishments not only established her as an innovator in her own right, but also as a…
Preparation for the High Holidays with Drs. Eric Caplan and Mel Scult, Rabbi Marc Margolius, and Elizabeth Caplun, moderated by Rabbi Les Bronstein Dr. Eric Caplan, Vice President and Academic Advisor of the Kaplan Center, is an associate professor of contemporary Judaism and Jewish education at McGill University. He is currently assembling an anthology of…