(This is an interactive graphic. Tap or click on different objects in the picture to go to the corresponding project webpage.)
Shalom! Welcome to our 21st Century Kaplanian Vision of Jewish Education!
Whatever city, country, continent, or planet you have journeyed from, we are glad that you have landed on the home page of the 21st Century Kaplanian Vision of Jewish Education.
We hope the resources you find here will both nurture and challenge your own and your community’s thinking about contemporary Jewish education.
As you will see below, our assumptions are non-linear; there are many places to begin.
Wherever you begin, our prayer is that you will emerge from your exploration of this project enriched and inspired.
Enjoy any or all of these entry points:
- Revisit Kaplan’s 20th Century Vision of Jewish Education with texts drawn directly from Judaism as a Civilization
- Utilize the Kaplanian Educational Resources in our PaRDeS / Orchard
- Contemplate Our 21st Century Kaplanian Vision of Jewish Education
- Explore an Array of Insightful Responses to our 21st Century Kaplanian Vision
- Contemplate our 21st Century Vision in the context of Enduring Jewish Educational Challenges
- Help our 21st Century Kaplanian Vision CONTINUE TO EVOLVE:
- Let us know how you use and experience these materials!
- Offer comments, questions and reflections at the bottom of any page
- Email divrei Torah, lesson plans, or text study notes that draw upon these resources