Remez literally means “hints.” In the traditional mnemonic PaRDeS, the Remez level refers to what is hinted at or embedded within a text rather than considering only what is explicit.
In the context of our Kaplanian educational resources, examples of Remez resources are those in which a Kaplanian idea or value is buried beneath or totally and seamlessly integrated. The North American Jewish community has internalized Kaplanian ideas to such an extent that we encounter them in educational materials that do not necessarily or expressly understand themselves as Kaplanian. The very fact that they are integrated into other conversations without specific identification reinforces the way in which these Kaplanian trope are simply part of the contemporary Jewish community, already modified by numerous other influences and part of the fabric of contemporary Jewish life. Whatever Kaplanian trace Remez is present must be searched as it is so thoroughly part of a new fabric.
Select Educational Resources* in which Kaplanian concepts are HINTED AT or EMBEDDED WITHIN
- Jewish Identity Buffet by Dr. Bethamie Horowitz
- Kashrut: A Ritual Decision Which is Not Easy* by Shelly Melzer and Dr. Jeffrey Schein
- In God’s Name by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
*Thank you to Reconstructing Judaism for graciously permitting the Kaplan Center to share these resources.