What is “the Prize?”
There are two Dan Cedarbaum prizes, each of which is $5,000. They will be awarded by July 1, 2022, to the two projects that best embody an educational project that is “Kaplanian in spirit” and “innovative in educational character.”
- Fuller description of the Cedarbaum Prize
- Applications are now closed.
Who May Apply?
The Kaplan Center is explicitly trans-denominational. Therefore, we welcome all proposals that are “Kaplanian in spirit” and “innovative in educational character,” regardless of denomination.
The prize is open to both established institutions and independent educational entrepreneurs.
Is the Prize for New, Ongoing or Completed Projects?
The prize is for either a new idea yet to be initiated or for significant new, creative dimensions added to a project already in motion. It is not for a completed project though we are happy to add such projects to our innovation garden (please contact Karen Morris at karen@kaplancenter.org).
Prize Sponsors
The prize is a project of the Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood with significant partnerships with Camp Havaya, RENA (Reconstructionist Educators of North America), Reconstructing Judaism, and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association.
Who Was Dan Cedarbaum?
Dan was the founder and President of the Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood. He died suddenly this past July. This prize was created to honor Dan’s devotion to the Center.
What was Dan’s Relationship to Jewish Education?
Dan was supportive of Jewish education at every level. As a congregant, he was engaged and often could be found giving out resources for home celebration to fellow congregants at JRC, the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation of Evanston. As the President of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (now Reconstructing Judaism) from 2002-2006, Dan supported the establishment of our first national camp (now Camp Havaya).
As President of the Mordecai M. Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood – his great passion project – Dan cultivated initiatives for in-depth adult Jewish learning. This included his own life-long study of the writings of Mordecai M. Kaplan.
In 2015, Dan invited Dr. Jeffrey Schein to become the Senior Consultant for Jewish Education of the Center. Dan supported Jeffrey’s project developing a 21st-century Kaplanian vision for Jewish Education in every possible way. This prize rides the crest of those innovations and six years of development. The prize is also in honor of Rabbi Erin Hirsh’s extraordinary contributions to the work over the last five years.
Who may I turn to with Questions?
Dr. Jeffrey Schein, jeffrey@kaplancenter.org
Co-Executive Director and Senior Consultant for Jewish Education
Karen Morris, karen@kaplancenter.org
Education Networker