Kaplan’s Legacy
In this edition of the Contemporary Talmud Page, we begin with an affirmation of Kaplan that “Torah is lifelong moral education.” But is this always true? How might the idea of shlemut (spiritual wholeness), the inward Jewish peoplehood character of tikkun olam, and an appreciation of Shabbat challenge Kaplan’s own assertion that we must always…
Mishnah by Dr. Jeffrey Schein, Gemara by Dr. Jon A. Levisohn, Dr. Miriam Heller Stern, and Dr. Arthur Green. NEW!! Tosafot (additional commentaries) by Rabbi Lily Solochek and Dr. Miriam Heller Stern.
Kaplan was fond of the phrase a “Copernican Revolution” and used it in several different contexts. When one’s understanding of Judaism shifts from that of a religion to a culture or religious civilization, does one’s understanding of who is an educated Jew correspondingly shift? If so, how? From Dr. Jon A. Levisohn A Kaplanian Vision…
Mishnah by Dr. Jeffrey Schein, Gemara by Earl Schwartz, Rabbi Sid Schwarz, and Rabbi Gail Shuster Bouskila. NEW!! Tosafot (additional commentaries) by Rabbi William Plevan and Dr. Mel Scult
Personal Prelude Like many of our readers, I struggle to make sense of the events occurring on and after October 7th. Perspective is almost impossible to gain. I wake up daily hoping to hear that all the captives of Zion have been returned. I try to make sense of the absolute evil that came with…
Mishnah by Mordecai Kaplan. Gemara by Rabbi Michael M. Cohen, Rabbi Barbara Penzner, Rabbi Gail Shuster-Bouskila, Dr. Nadav S. Berman.
Jerusalem Post Opinion Summer 2023 By Ilan Chaim ‘Man is not free to choose between having or not having ideals, but he is free to choose between different kinds of ideals….” – Erich Fromm In this summer of noisily clashing ideologies in the background, a group of rabbis met quietly in Jerusalem to honor the…
For those wanting to grasp “what all the excitement was about” when Judaism As A Civilization appeared, Creative Judaism was a quick and easy way into the discussion.
From Ira, I learned that Judaism is not an abstract idea, that religion does not exist in a vacuum, that religion is as religion does. Judaism begins with the Jewish people; religion is a human, social reality, one in which “Belonging precedes Believing” If we want to help Jews love and practice their heritage, we…