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  • As we prepare for the momentous journey that will take us through November 4th,  Kaplan Center Director Dr. Jeffrey Schein offers a perspective on our “aging” candidates.

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  •  Right is Might 

    As we prepare to begin our reading of the Book of Exodus at a time of war and conflict these two reflections by Mel Scult on Kaplan’s views of might and right seem particularly contemporary. From Mordecai Kaplan: What can be plainer than that the following indicates what the Exodus meant to Israel: “And for…

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  • Jerusalem Post  Opinion Summer 2023 By Ilan Chaim ‘Man is not free to choose between having or not having ideals, but he is free to choose between different kinds of ideals….” – Erich Fromm In this summer of noisily clashing ideologies in the background, a group of rabbis met quietly in Jerusalem to honor the…

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  • Entering the Heichal (sanctuary) of the Voting Booth: Reflections on Judaism and Democracy  with Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Sarah Hurwitz, Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Lauren Grabelle HerrmannOctober 30, 2022 Print Flyer Question: What do you get when you bring together…. One of the foremost Jewish philosopher thinkers on our contemporary scene (Rabbi Elliot Dorff) A practitioner-philosopher of a…

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  • Kaplan Conversations

    Thursday, December 24, 1942 The contribution which Judaism has made and should continue to make to democracy and the American way of life is best summarized in the motto enunciated by the prophet Zachariah [4:6].  “Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts” and to add the supplement…

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