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Past Webinars

  • with Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Ph.D.Sunday, June 9, 2024 Please join us as we thank Rabbi Jeffrey Schein for his work as Executive Director of The Mordecai Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, introduce our new Executive Director, Rabbi Elisheva Sachs Salamo, and learn from Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Director of the Center for Jewish Ethics and Associate…

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  • with Aaron Dorfman, Amy Spitalnick, Rabbis Amy Klein and Bill Plevan, and moderated by Rabbi Elyse Wechterman Wednesday, March 20, 2024 Over 50 years ago, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, posited that Democracy was essential for a vibrant and thriving Jewish people/community.  Our question is:  was he right?  Do Jews and Judaism need…

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  • with Dr. Nadav S. Berman and Dr. Rabbi Vered Sakal How does Mordecai Kaplan arrive at his understandings of truth and religious experience?  Join Drs. Berman and Sakal as they explore Kaplan through the lens of the non-Jewish theologian Jon Hick. Dialogue with them as they extrapolate from Kaplan’s philosophical commitments to the critical issues…

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  • with Rabbis Amy Bernstein, Ed Feinstein and Jeffrey Schein on the successes and challenges of implementing the Judaism as a Civilization program. Sunday, January 7, 2024 – 3pm Eastern Our third and final session of a three part series in honor of the 40th Yahzeit of Mordecai Kaplan and the 90th anniversary of Judaism as a…

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  • Lecture by Dr. Deborah Waxman of Reconstructing Judaism and response from Dr. Elias Sacks of Jewish Publication Society. Moderated by Dr. Jeffrey Schein. Sunday, December 10, 2023 Our second of a three part series in honor of the 40th Yahzeit of Mordecai Kaplan and the 90th anniversary of Judaism as a Civilization! Dr. Elias Sacks is…

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  • with Rabbis Michael Cohen, Barbara Penzner, Gail Shuster-Bouskila, Dennis Sasso, and Dr. Shlomi Ravid April 23, 2023 Webinar Panelists Rabbi Michael Margaretten Cohen is a faculty member of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Bennington College. He teaches courses on conflict resolution, the Bible, and the environment. Rabbi Cohen has been a Policy Advisor…

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  • Kaplan and Hebrew

    with Rabbis Daria Jacobs-Velde, Helen Plotkin, Professor Vardit Ringvalt, and Earl SchwartzSunday, February 26, 2023 Webinar Panelists Rabbi Helen Plotkin is founder and director of Mekom Torah (pronounced McComb Toe-Rah), offering Jewish study opportunities for adults and teens that transcend the boundaries of the various Jewish movements. She is co-founder of the Beit Midrash at…

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  • “Every creative act… adds to the meaning of life and is a revelation of the Divine.” –Kaplan Diary, 1940 How is Judaism evolving in relationship to the (visual) arts?  Join a panel of artists, educators, and innovators to explore the role of art, artmaking, and creativity in our religious, communal and spiritual lives. CREATIVITY IN…

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  • with Rabbis James Greene, Jessica Lott, Jeffrey Schein, and Dr. Eric CaplanDecember 11, 2022 Rabbi James Greene is a 2008 graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and currently serves as the President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association. His career has included posts in synagogues, Jewish Community Centers, as well as in Jewish camping. James lives…

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  • 12:10 – 12:50 PM  Jewish Artist of the Week – Dvir Cahana:  Judaism was fabricated from an inclination of creative reads. Once we give ourselves permission to try things that have never been done, the porential is boundless. In my workshop, I will describe an innovative methodology of using the language of art and parshanut…

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