Talmud (study) consists of the Mishnah (original text or law) and Gemara, completion of the text. We emphasize the term Talmud (study) because it indicates that Mishnah and Gemara are part of a larger process of expansion of meaning that is fostered by sacred argument. In these contemporary Talmud pages, we use contemporary texts and images as our starting point (Mishnah) and the Gemara is offered by today’s scholars. Our readers are invited to serve as tosafists (commentators) suggesting other points of view.
Many thanks to those who have made this project possible.
Featured Talmud Pages

Educated Kaplanian Jew Talmud Page
Mishnah by Dr. Jeffrey Schein, Gemara by Dr. Jon A. Levisohn, Dr. Miriam Heller Stern, and Dr. Arthur Green.
NEW!! Tosafot (additional commentaries) by Rabbi Lily Solochek and Dr. Miriam Heller Stern.

Living in Multiple Civilizations in 2024
Mishnah by Dr. Jeffrey Schein, Gemara by Earl Schwartz, Rabbi Sid Schwarz, and Rabbi Gail Shuster Bouskila.
NEW!! Tosafot (additional commentaries) by Rabbi William Plevan and Dr. Mel Scult

Israel Talmud Page
Mishnah by Mordecai Kaplan. Gemara by Rabbi Michael M. Cohen, Rabbi Barbara Penzner, Rabbi Gail Shuster-Bouskila, Dr. Nadav S. Berman.

Kaplan and Creativity Talmud Page
Mishnah by Mordecai Kaplan. Gemara by Rabbi Adina Allen, Elizheva Hurvich, Joanne Fink.
More Talmud Pages
Revaluation & Transvaluation Talmud Page
Reflections on Marcia Falk’s A Night of Beginnings