It is often observed that for Mordecai Kaplan (and others) democracy was the religion of America.
The Kaplan Center appreciates our grant from A More Perfect Union: Jewish Partnership for Democracy. This grant allows us to embark on a “religious” journey from this February through next October. Each month we will select and distribute to our friends and partners a passage from Mordecai Kaplan or one of his students and collaborators.
Israel is on all of our minds and in our conversations these days. Join our conversation through:
- Rabbi Michael Cohen’s Jerusalem Post article
- Kaplan, Democracy, and Zionism conference dedicated to the memory of Jack Cohen
- Kaplan & Israel: A New, New Zionism webinar
- Our latest contemporary Talmud page with a new commentary by Rabbi Bob Gluck
- Kaplan Center Stands with Israel, Pursues Peace
- Webinar with Rabbi Michael Cohen & the Arava Institute

From Dr. Mel Scult
Kaplan on One Foot: Mel Scult’s Eight Core Principles of Kaplan’s Philosophy