Educational Resources
Pandemic, Pods, and Havurot Jonathan Rosen in The Talmud and the Internet (2000) explored the meandering, highly associational nature of Talmudic thought. A word or phrase in one context is connected with lightning-like speed with the same word or phrase in a different passage, and a new meaning is often derived from the connection. I…
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The Masked Rider I think we are forever searching for the sweet spot where Jewish texts illuminate our life as American Jews, particularly today. I understand that identifying where and how our two civilizations meet to be a Kaplanian imperative. So I now return to the “Text Me” project previously described and search out the meeting…
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Gift 5, The Life of a Jewish Educator in the Digital Age”]
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Gift 4, Teen Exploration of God Beliefs”]