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Educational Resources

  • Book a Garden Tour

    Dear Educator,  It was in a cave that Plato laid out the vision behind his philosophy and also in a cave that Shimon Bar Yohai began to create the great text of mystical tradition, the Zohar.  The cave here is the prozdor (corridor) leading you to our 21st-Century Kaplanian Innovation Garden. We invite you to…

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  • Primary Contact – Dr. Shlomi Ravid Ravshlomi@gmail.com http://www.jpeoplehood.org Please come and explore our website. We invite you to sign up to receive our resources. The Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education The Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education (CJPE) was built on Mordecai Kaplan’s approach to Judaism as a civilization and humbly sees itself as an expression and adaptation of…

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  • IsraelNow Curriculum

    IsraelNow.org IsraelNow provides 8th graders an immersive, emotional, and memorable taste of Israel through a week-long trip. Participants return from the program excited to be involved in their respective synagogues and communities, but IsraelNow believes that engagement and education should begin before departure. IsraelNow hopes to develop a curriculum that is experiential and learner centered…

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  • Dr. Miriam Heller Stern is Vice Provost for Educational Strategy, National Director of the School of Education and Associate Professor at HUC-JIR.  She is passionate about empowering Jewish educational leaders and teachers to engage in their work intentionally, skillfully and creatively. She is the founder of Beit HaYotzer/the Creativity Braintrust, an initiative based at HUC-JIR…

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  • Keynote/ Cedarbaum Prize Winners Innovation Garden Workshops

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  • Innovation Garden

    Review of Garden Tour: Daniel Resnik, Dor Hadash, Pittsburgh The Kaplan Center, with Rabbi Jeffrey Schein as its Executive Director, has a mission. It is to share the vision of Mordecai Kaplan for a contemporary Judaism that celebrates language, literature, history, ethics, the arts, and community as central to Jewish identity and peoplehood. Kaplan, a…

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  • God and the Digital Age

    Text Me, and a Powerful Poem Later this summer the volume Text Me: Ancient Jewish Wisdom Meets Contemporary Technology (Jewish Resources for Understanding, Embracing, and Challenging our Evolving Digital Identity) will be published by Hamilton Press.  I have shared with readers of the Kaplan Center website in an earlier column the ways in which the project seems…

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  • by Rabbi Jeffrey Schein, Senior Education Consultant and Co-Director  For several years my 8th graders at the Heilicher Jewish Day School in Minneapolis would tease me. Rabbi Jeff are you a GJGDC?  I would tease them right back saying “please remind me what is a GjGDC?” They would then answer with the mantra from our…

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  • The Waves and Undulations of the Pandemic

    In The Twinkling of An Eye: Five Features of the Upcoming Pandemic Transitions by Rabbi Jeffrey Schein This article was originally published on March 18, 2021 at eJewishPhilanthropy. Prelude  We will soon be going through a transition. Some prefer to call it the movement towards a “new” normal. In our volume L’Dor V’Dor in the…

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