About Kaplan
from Mel Scult’s Mordecai Kaplan Facebook page Kaplan famously stated that religion in general and Judaism in particular was a matter of “belonging, believing and behaving.” In the late forties he was in Los Angeles working to raise money for the proposed “University of Judaism”. In a talk to about forty writers, musicians and artists…
This webinar on Reconstructionist liturgy took place on January 9, 2022 Webinar Documents: Speaker Bios and Notes Chat Log
Will The Real Mordecai Kaplan Please Stand Up? Monday, April 19, 2021 3:00pm EST Dr. Bill Robinson will reflect on how his thinking about Kaplan and Virtue Ethics has continued to evolve since our initial program on January 6, 2021. Dr. Eric Caplan will augment our discussion of Kaplan and Virtue Ethics by guiding us…
In order to view or download the PowerPoint presentation for this program, please click here.
Kaplan at the JC v.3
In order to view or download the source sheet for this program, please click here. In order to view or download the lovely Haggadah addition from “Our Common Destiny” that was shared during the program, please click here.
A “pdf” version of the entire 1941 Haggadah (rarely seen these days) is available here (with thanks to HebrewBooks.org and to Aharon Varady of the Open Siddur Project). [pdf-embedder url=”https://kaplancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Kaplan-Center-flier-320-2-web.pdf” title=”Kaplan Center flier 320-2 web”]
Not yet on our e-mail list? We would love to add you. Please e-mail Dan Cedarbaum, at dan@kaplancenter.org. In order to view or download the source sheets for this program (some of which we will discuss in detail), please click here. [pdf-embedder url=”https://kaplancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Kaplan-Center-flier-320-1.pdf” title=”Kaplan Center flier 320-1″]
Kaplan and Birmingham (1963) While working on a project for The Ira and Judith Kaplan Eisenstein Reconstructionist Archives of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (https://www.correspondingwithkaplan.com/), I came across a letter to Mordecai Kaplan from Rabbi Everett Gendler, a prominent student of Kaplan’s who is still living, thanking Kaplan for his speech to the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly…